Author: zn

July 19, 2009 / / personal

Still last month when we had our friend visiting us, we visited some old places together. One of them was a camp site up in the mountains, called Szentlélek (Holy Spirit). For several years we had great fun having English camps there, and it was interesting to see the place. As it is always, it was quiet and empty, but…

June 28, 2009 / / personal

On the 13rd of June my family and our friend went to a small trip to Esztergom. Our main goal was to find an old camping site, where our friend and my wife first met. Meanwhile we had some time to visit the basilica. The basilica, being the cathedral of the Primate of Hungary, is the first in rank, and…

June 14, 2009 / / personal

Last weekend we took our guest and went to the Skanzen in Szentendre. It’s an Open Air Museum was to present folk architecture, interior decoration, farming and way of life from the historical Hungary. The authentic objects, relocated houses are arranged in old settlement patterns and into into village-like regional units on the basis of ethnographical considerations. I believe their…

June 10, 2009 / / personal

What an unbelievable night! I still can’t believe that I was there singing and praising God together with my friends and Michael W. Smith. I don’t even know where to start. Okay, here it is. As I was preparing for the concert a thought came to me. It was 15 years ago in April, when I received Christ into my life. …

June 8, 2009 / / personal

Today was a bit special, if not crazy workday. I thought, I’m gonna show you my day from my perspective. Quality wasn’t priority: I woke up at at 3:45 am, but needed some time to adjust and see something. 15 minutes later I was on my way to… Here: Empty airport… Almost there: This guy caught my eyes on the…