Free Hug…

If you ask me what was my favorite moment of the Christmas season, this is definitely one of them. I already told you how I dislike thrush and craziness of the season,but we decided to go to Christmas Fair on the Vörösmarty square. This is the biggest and one of the most famous Christmas Fairs in Europe. People use this fair to meet and spend some time while drinking mulled wine, and eating sausages and kört?s kalács (chimney cake). Unfortunately it seemed that whole Budapest decided to do that while we were there. It really not easy to maneuver to kids in the crowd especially when they want you to buy some luminous whatever…

So there we are in the crowd, waiting for a new window to open on the Christmas Calendar, when a small band appears on a balcony and starts playing Christmas carols. One small peaceful moment among the people standing in long lines for the afore mentioned goods. Since the lines were several meters long, and the kids patience were much shorter, we decided to buy some Langalló. It is a traditional Hungarian food, though I’ve never heard of it, but is is made of bread dough (flour, yeast, salt and water), on the top with some sour cream, onion, bacon and cheese.

While we were looking for our way out I spotted a couple offering something free but with a great value. They were offering free hugs for everyone and some people accepted it. You could see joy on their faces and believe they were getting as much blessing as they were giving. One peaceful and loving moment…

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