Two weeks ago I traveled to Bonn, and on the way back I got on the train in Cologne Main Train Station (Köln Hauptbahnhof). Since I had plenty of time, I had a chance to look around in the Dom. It is a marvelous building, its 157 meters tall towers stand firmly and you can’t even grasp the whole building from the square next to it. While walking and gazing I realized I didn’t have enough time to see all the details, but I managed to get some pictures to share.
The Altar of the Poor Clares (back):
The Altar of the Poor Clares (front):
Left: Window of the Three Holy King (The Magi Window), 1507; Right: The Window of Nativity, 1507:
Left: Window of St. Peter and Tree of Jesse, 1509; Right: Window of The Adoration of The Magi, 1846:
Altar of the City Patrons:
Shrine of the Three Holy Kings (Magi), circa 1190-1220:
The Jewelry Madonna:
Closer view of the Jewelry Madonna
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