Author: zn

December 30, 2009 / / personal

If you ask me what was my favorite moment of the Christmas season, this is definitely one of them. I already told you how I dislike thrush and craziness of the season,but we decided to go to Christmas Fair on the Vörösmarty square. This is the biggest and one of the most famous Christmas Fairs in Europe. People use this…

December 24, 2009 / / personal

It’s Christmas again and angels have landed on our tree. Several days ago I said I hate Christmas, but not because our  Savior was born, but all the craziness and shallowness that comes with it nowadays. I hate to be amongst people chasing their “perfect” gift for their loved ones, and sometimes I hate being them myself. This part of…

November 14, 2009 / / personal

It’s easy to forget, that the best subjects for photography are near to us. Today, as usual, I took may son, David, for his figure skating practice. On the road I realized that the light fog gives an unusual mood for things I pass daily. There is for example the Ferenc Puskas Stadium, this magnificent arena which was built between…

November 8, 2009 / / personal

In August my sister asked me to take some photos of her for future purposes. Well, I was a good brother making them, but a bad one processing them. So couple of months later, here they are:

November 8, 2009 / / family

Máté is the pastor in our church. I also have the privilege to know him as my friend, so when he asked me to take some photos of his family for an album for his mother’s birthday I gladly said yes. He also asked me to take some pictures of him that he could use for the new program in…